Blessed Giovanni Merlini, C.PP.S.
Beatified, January 12, 2025

One day in 1820, a young priest rode across the hills of Umbria from his native Spoleto to the ancient abbey in Giano to make a retreat with St. Gaspar del Bufalo, a priest known for his holiness and preaching. The young priest was Blessed Giovanni (John) Merlini. Gaspar immediately recognized Merlini’s zeal and talents and invited him to become a member of the fledgling Missionaries of the Precious Blood.
That Congregation was only five years old and, like many new foundations, had its challenges, but Merlini chose to throw in his lot with Gaspar and would become one of Gaspar’s closest friends.
Gaspar entrusted Merlini with important tasks. Merlini toured the area south of Rome infested by bandits to gain a sense of the situation. He refused a military escort, preferring to meet the bandits as their priest and not as a representative of the papal government.
When St. Maria De Mattias spoke to Gaspar about her vocation after hearing him preach in her hometown, Gaspar asked Merlini to become her spiritual director. He helped guide Maria in the founding of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ. As her spiritual director he showed himself to be gentle and wise. Gaspar also entrusted Merlini with editing the final edition of the Rule of the Missionaries that was approved by the Holy See in 1841, 4 years after Gaspar’s death.
Merlini was elected third superior general of the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in 1847. He played a significant role in the expansion of the ministry of the Missionaries to the United States. Merlini had guided Francis De Sales Brunner in his discernment to become a Missionary in 1838, and it was Brunner who brought the Congregation to Ohio in 1844. Merlini supported and guided the new foundation, and during his term as moderator general he encouraged other foundations outside Italy.
Merlini was a friend of Pope Pius IX and was instrumental in establishing the feast of the Precious Blood, now celebrated on July 1. Like his friend Gaspar, Merlini was tireless in his witness to the Precious Blood of Christ in his life and in his ministry as a Missionary. He lived through tumultuous times, including the invasion of Rome and the establishment of the Kingdom of Italy.
Merlini died on January 12, 1873, as a result of injuries he sustained after being hit by a carriage on the streets of Rome. He is buried in the church of Santa Maria in Trivio near the Trevi Fountain in Rome, a few feet from his beloved friend St. Gaspar.
He was beatified on January 12, 2025 at St. John Lateran in Rome.
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