Retreat on the Cup of the Precious Blood

This retreat was originally designed for permanent deacon candidates and their wives in the Diocese of Little Rock, AK.

Since one of the primary ministries of a deacon is to be a minister of the cup during the celebration of the Eucharist, I was asked to focus on the spirituality of the Precious Blood from the perspective of the cup. The outline for two of the sessions can be seen below:

There were six sessions from Friday evening to Sunday noon:

Cup of the New Covenant

Introductory Rite


Sign of the Cross



Opening Prayer

Liturgy of the Word

Reading I                                                              Jeremiah 31:31-34

I will make a new covenant and write it upon their hearts.

Responsorial Psalm

Gospel                                                          Luke 3:21-22, 4:1-2a, 13

The baptism and temptations of the Lord.


Covenant Renewal Ritual


Blessing of Water

This includes the blessing of water from the Rite for the Blessing and Sprinkling of Water from the Roman Missal.

Covenant Renewal

This includes the renewal of baptismal promises.

Blessing with Water

Participants approach the blessed water and bless themselves.

Concluding Rite

Lord’s Prayer

Sign of Peace





Mystagogical Reflection on the Experience

Participants are invited to reflect on their experience of the Cup of the New Covenant and to share their reflections with the group.

Cup of Hope

Introductory Rite


Sign of the Cross



Opening Prayer

Liturgy of the Word

Reading I                                                                       Romans 5:1-9

We boast in hope… hope does not disappoint… God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.

Responsorial Psalm

Gospel                                                                                Mark 9: 2-8

The transfiguration of Jesus.



For What Do You Hope? – Silent Reflection

Filling the Chalice

Each participant comes forward and pours a few drops of wine into the chalice, along with their hopes and dreams, cares and concerns. This same chalice is used during the closing Mass.

Offering the Chalice

The presider offers the prayer for offering the cup from the Liturgy of the Eucharist: Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation…

Concluding Rite

Lord’s Prayer

Sign of Peace





Mystagogical Reflection on the Experience

Participants are invited to reflect on their experience of the Cup of Hope and to share their reflections with the group.


Other sessions include:

Cup of Salvation

A Votive Mass of the Precious Blood on Saturday morning

Cup of Suffering

A Celebration that includes the veneration of the Cross

Cup of Mercy

A Communal Reconciliation Celebration

Cup of Thanksgiving

A Celebration of Sunday Mass